Sessional Program

Sessional Program

Here at TPDS we are proud of offer a variety of programs to suit the needs & interests of all dancers & families. Our sessional program is perfect for the student who just wants to DANCE! without the commitment of year-end show, Christmas show or competitions.

Our sessional program registration is done on a full year (September to May) or sessional basis (8-12 week sessions).

Sessional Registration is done in the Fall (September-December), Winter (January-March) & Spring (March-May). Registration takes place online by following this link:

Sessional students who wish to move into the full-year program must make the switch before December of the dance year.

Crowsnest Pass Sessional Classes

For information for our PINCHER CREEK LOCATION please see our Pincher Creek Studio page!


2024-2025 Sessional Pricing

10 Week Non-Performance Session

30 minute class $122.77 + GST

45 minute class $184.15 + GST

1 hour class $245.53 + GST


12 Week Performance Session (includes costume rental fee)

30 minute class $194.32 + GST

45 minute class $167.98 + GST

1 hour class $341.64 + GST

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