Crowsnest Pass Dance Festival Society

Crowsnest Pass Dance Festival Society

Meetings take place the 2nd Tuesday of every month at 7:00 P.M. at the Hillcrest Miners Club!

The CPDFS consists of parents supporting their children who are pursuing dance with the Turning Pointe Dance Studio. Due to this all parents automatically become members of the society. Your participation is greatly appreciated and very much relied upon. Through CPDFS we participate in various fundraising activities to help defray the cost of participating in dance festivals and ballet examinations.  CPDFS also funds a scholarship for students, which is presented at the Year End Show.  We have also funded the installation of new mirrors, lockers and a water dispenser in the studio for our children. We also sponsor the An Evening with the Stars show so that our children have an opportunity to perform their solos, duos and small group dances prior to competition & for our community.  If you would like to learn more about the CPDFS please contact your child’s class representative or any member of the executive. The executive of CPDFS consists of President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Volunteer Coordinator and various Fundraising Directors.   These positions are elected at our Annual General Meeting (AGM) at the beginning of each new dance year.


If you are on facebook be sure to join our facebook group. This group keeps all parents up to date on current & upcoming fundraisers.

The link to their facebook group is: /

The link to their facebook page :



The executive of the Crowsnest Pass Dance Festival Society (CPDFS) has decided to return to the old policy for paying out festival fees. As of September 2013, each member is obligated to partake in a reasonable amount of fundraising during the dance season to be eligible to receive festival fee reimbursement from the CPDFS. You will be billed by the studio for your festival fees and can apply for reimbursement near the end of the dance season. Please be advised that some classes will be attending two competitions this year therefore entry fees will be significantly higher.

If you have any questions or comments please feel free to contact any of the executive members. We welcome and encourage all parents at all meetings.

UPCOMING FUNDRAISERS- please refer to their facebook page for more information.


2024/2025 Executive Board Members 

President: Mel Oberholtzer

Vice President- Laurie Huska

Treasurer- Jade Drewniak

Secretary- Kylee Forget

Points Director- Stacey Nohels

Gala Coordinator- Jacquelyn Rygaard


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